Bike Project Surrey
Bike Project Surrey refurbishes donated bikes, provides accredited training and work experience for the whole community – in particular young people and adults who are not in work or education whatever the reason. Our bikes are then sold to the community at an affordable price and the income “recycled” to sustain the project.
Over 400 trainees have benefited from the project with 165 City & Guilds qualifications having been awarded. Many have progressed to work or volunteering, or have returned to full-time learning.
The project is now located on two sites; at Guildford and Brooklands College.
“The Bike Project adds balance to my personal and work life, allows me to contribute to the community, and for me to work with a wide spectrum people off all ages, backgrounds and abilities, whom I otherwise would very likely not encounter”. Mike, Volunteer.
To find out more about the bike project click here and also click here