ETHOS Project
The hardest learners to reach are the homeless, so why not help those at risk of homelessness? ETHOS links securing living accommodation to finding employment, training or education.
We work in partnership with local councils, (Epsom & Ewell, and Tandridge), and with Town and Country (formerly Rosebery Housing) to support to some 120 people over the course of the year.
All were encouraged to develop their skills with 30 gaining employment during the year and 30 engaged in further training.

Epsom & Ewell Employment & Jobs Fair
The annual Epsom and Ewell Employment and Skills Fair is organised in conjunction with the ETHOS project and our partners: What’s on In My Town, The Best of Epsom & Ewell, Rotary Club of Epsom, NESCOT and Epsom & Ewell Borough Council.
The event brings people face to face with employers and training providers with the aim of helping people to progress into work. Last year over 40 employers exhibited and 400 delegates attended. This year we hope it will be even bigger.
We encourage all of those we have helped engage in training for employment to attend, and ensure that they are prepared to present to prospective employers.

Mole Valley Employment & Skills Hub
Based at the Swan Centre in Leatherhead, the Mole Valley Employment & Skills Hub – or MV Hub – provides online and face-to-face advice, guidance and coaching to residents of all ages from across the district. Working with local employers and training providers, residents in need of help will have access to training and education opportunities, opening access to new skills and sustainable employment in the community.
Funding for this venture was provided by the Department of Work & Pensions and Mole Valley District Council. During the year over 650 residents engaged with 150 finding work and 200 progressing into training.
Find out what’s happening at the Hub today click here.

Epsom & Ewell Employment & Skills Hub
The Hub provides employment, training, mentoring and wellbeing support to 18-years upwards. It helps participants and employers to achieve successful interview outcomes leading to job appointments.
Each year over 250 participants are engaged and over 300 local employers. One third of those engaged gain employment within the year and another third progress to further learning. Accredited qualifications, include BTEC Media, Functional Skills English, Digital Skills and GCSE Physics.
Find out what’s happening at the Hub today click here.